Saturday, September 13, 2008

6 Random Things

I was tagged by
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the Person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
5. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Here goes my 6 Random things.

1. My husband thinks I am a freak because when there is lightening out I have to have all the windows in the house closed. I think he is the freak that he thinks it is ok to have them open.

2. I keep wanting to go back to school and get a masters but the problem is that I can not pick just one. I want to get a law degree, a family counseling degree and a business degree. Who knows maybe one day I will get one of them or all three.

3. I am a clean freak. The problem is my house is never clean enough. I am always going through closets and trying but it just never seems to be clean enough. I am really obsessed with it.

4. I am a germaphobe. My 5 year old daughter started kindie this year and a girl asked if she could use her chapstick and she replied "no, my mom is a paranoid freak". It was a proud moment.

5. I love having my feet tickled. It has to be done slowly not fast. It is just very relaxing to me. When I was younger I would give my sister candy bars to tickle them. Can you believe she did it.

6. I have issues with needles and so I gave birth 4 times with no epidural. Some call me crazy but I didn't have to have that huge needle.

Ok, it was not easy but I did it. Tag Celia, Kelly

I am turning 40!!

I was nicely surprised last night by Troy with a surprise party for my 40th birthday. He said we were going out and then we ended up at a friends house with a lot of people. It was a surprise party for me and another friend who is turning 40. It was nice to see so many people. The boys even hired a band named "Joe fornothin". They were great. I was definitely surprised and it was a lot of fun. Wow I can't believe in less than a month I will be 40. I remember thinking 40 seemed old but now that I am getting there I don't think that way any more. Funny how your perspective changes. Thanks Troy for the great party and wonderful memory for my 40th birthday!

My dad came to visit

Ok so I am not so good at blogging since it has been over 4 weeks since my last blog but I am trying. We had a great visit with my dad and Roseanne a few weeks ago. They had gone to South Dakota to see Mt. Rushmore. It was a long time dream of my dads (I am so glad he was able to do it). We had a great visit (short but sweet). We took a little walk in a place called Castlewood Canyon and then we went to dinner at Casa Bonita (it is a restaurant where they have cliff divers, shows, arcades). We had a good time. This is a picture of us in front of the restaurant. Dad, Thanks for taking the time to come visit us. We love when people come and visit.